Rillian here! As per request, I have created this tutorial to show you how I build most of my homes in my medieval town, which you can view here or by clicking the link in my signature. This is my first tutorial, so please go a bit easy on me. The texture pack I'm using is DokuCraft, The Saga Continues: Light [Click Here] Anyway, on to the tutorial!
Wooden Logs - 125
White Wool - 74
Wooden Stairs - 116
Wooden Planks - 84
Glass Panes - 22
Stone Bricks - 46
Stone Brick Slabs - 5
Stone Brick Stairs - 8
Netherrack - 1
Door - 1
Torches 5
Step 1:
Clear a flat space in the shape of a 7x9 box.
Step 2:
Lay out logs and white wool in the above pattern.
Step 3:
Expand the logs and white wool for a total of 3 high. Make sure to leave space for windows in the white wool.
Step 4:
Fill in the spaces in the wool with glass panes.
Step 5:
Lay out the wooden floor in the above pattern.
Step 6:
Lay out the beginnings of the fireplace: a 3x3 square of Stone Bricks, with the bottom-middle square being a Stone Brick Slab. Make sure that the middle of the square is empty, with space in the bottom for Netherrack, which we'll add later.
Step 7:
Continue the fireplace, by adding another layer of Stone Bricks, but only on the first two rows, as seen in the above picture.
Step 8:
At the back row, add one Stone Brick in the middle, and a Stone Brick Stair piece on either side of it.
Step 9:
Add a Stone Brick on both sides of the middle row, and repeat Step 8 for the front row.
Step 10:
Start on the second floor by adding your layer of Wooden Logs. Make sure to have them jetty out from the first floor on all but the back sides, as seen in the above picture. Also, add a layer of stone bricks in the pattern seen above.
Step 11:
Lay your second wooden floor, leaving a four-block hole where the stairs will go.
Step 12:
Expand your logs and wool in the pattern seen above.
Step 13:
Cut out holes for the windows. Above is the front view.
And above is the side view.
Step 14:
Replace the holes in the wool with glass.
Step 15:
Make your second-floor fireplace using the pattern seen above: a 2x3 Rectangle in front with a hole in the middle; behind it, another 2x3 Rectangle, and behind that, one Stone Brick.
Step 16:
Make the cross seen in the above picture on the fireplace.
Step 17:
Make these arches with Wooden Logs and Wool on either side of your house, as seen above.
Step 18:
Bring the cross on your fireplace up by 2 blocks, forming the chimney.
Step 19:
Make your roof using Wooden Stairs, covering the arches, with overhangs, and make sure to come right in to the chimney.
Step 20:
Top the Stone Brick blocks with Stone Brick Stairs, as seen above.
Step 21:
Place Stone Brick Slabs on top of the Stone Brick Stair pieces.
Step 22:
Place a Stone Brick block on the inside of your chimney, and a torch on top of it for lighting.
Step 23:
Here's our fireplace on the first floor. Place Netherrack in the hole in the middle, and light it using flint and steel. If you followed the steps correctly, the house will not catch fire.
Step 24:
Create your stairs ascending from the first floor to the second floor in the pattern above.
Step 25:
Use your other four torches to line the inside tops of the roof on either side in the second floor for lighting, as seen above.
Step 26:
Add the door in front and look at your new house! This is the daytime and nighttime view.
First Floor:
A Kitchen:
Use Three Stone Bricks and a Furnace to make a small kitchen. No Refrigerators! Remember, this is medieval.
A Dining Table:
Dig two blocks down and place a Redstone Torch.
Then, place a Piston for a table.
Around that, place two Wooden Stairs for chairs.
A Sitting Chair:
Place a Wooden Stair block for a chair, and then place two signs on either side for armrests.
A Rug:
Place Two colors of Wool blocks in the floor in any pattern. I used Red and Dark Grey.
Second Floor:
Bed and Endtables:
Place two Beds next to each other. Then place a Crafting Table on either side.
Place a Large Chest on the floor. For aesthetical purposes, place one more on top of that. Please note that if you place the smaller Chest on top, the bottom Chest will be inaccessable.
If you want, place some Bookshelves for aesthetics.
Another small table:
This is made using a Fence block with a Wooden Pressure Plate on top. Then surround it with two Wooden Stairs for seating.
Small Pillars:
Simply place Fence blocks at each corner of the house for added "support," which is purely aesthetical.
Flower Boxes:
To make these, place two dirt blocks outside the windows. Then place Flowers on top of them. Then surround all sides of the dirt blocks with Trapdoors.
So thanks everybody for taking a look at this long tutorial! I hope you enjoyed viewing it as much as I enjoyed making it! Please leave feedback, appreciation, critique or anything else below.